As I'm about to head to the bus to DC for Thanksgiving, my sister Tessa who is my travel buddy decided to be adorable and offer to pick up dinner. I asked her what she was thinking about getting and her answer:
TESSA: Maybe a turkey sandwich and some chips.
ME: *long pause* um. . . really?
TESSA: Yea! There's a great deli across the street.
ME: Are you being serious?
TESSA: YEAA!! I LOOVE turkey sandwiches.
ME: On the day before Thanksgiving?
TESSA: *longer pause* oh . . . I didn't even think about that.
Then she proceeded to try to convince me to go turkey sandwich anyhow.
A for effort. C- for the actual concept.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Inspiring Automakers . . .
OK — this article doesn't really discuss the whole economy crisis and pending bailout with the big 3 auto manufacturers. But it is quite an interesting read. Now, I'm obviously quite partial being that my father works for Honda and I won't lie to you there. I'm entirely proud of him and this article really embraces the things that make him so passionate for what he does.
But, additionally, I just adore their mission statement. What great words to live by in this rocky time: "We see the world not as it is, but as it could be."
G.M. should look at Honda, a model 21st Century Company
November 26, 2008
If General Motors (G.M.) wants to emulate another auto maker, it should look no further than Honda. Honda is what a 21st century “mobility” maker should look like. And it clearly the most innovative of all auto makers.
The company gets more U.S. patents than any other auto maker by a wide margin. With 677 in 2007, it was awarded nearly double the number of Toyota and GM which were second and third, respectively. And Honda’s new Greensburg, Indiana plant (its fifth in the U.S.) that just opened is a model of efficiency.
Honda is also the greenest car company. It largely ignored the gas-guzzling SUV and pickup craze. Sure, it has the Pilot and ungainly Ridgeline which at best (read: highway) deliver 20-23 MPG. But Honda’s seven other models get 25 MPG or better – much better in some cases.
What spurred me to write this post was nothing in about the auto business. Rather, it was what Honda is doing in the Combined Heat and Power area. American Honda just introduced a new home cogeneration unit for heat and electricity. It’s basically a very smart generator that runs on propane to produce heat and power. As part of the freewatt system that can deliver as much as three quarters of a home’s heating and electricity, the freewatt system it promises 30% reduction in greenhouse gases over conventional heating systems and annual electric bill savings for $500-$1,000.
It’s worth reading Honda’s entire mission statement. But I will excerpt the top three paragraphs which emphasize its value proposition in terms of mobility and benefits for society:
“We see the world not as it is, but as it could be.
We see the world through the eyes of dreamers. Because we are a company founded by a dreamer. And we are a company built on dreams.
We see the pursuit of impossible dreams as an empowering force, capable of producing revolutionary ideas. Dreams inspire us to create innovative products that enhance human mobility and benefit society. Honda encourages all of its associates to pursue their dreams. And it’s our mission to share these dreams with others and to make them a reality.”
I could not find a GM mission statement per se at, but did find one on Google. It’s as follows:
“G.M. is a multinational corporation engaged in socially responsible operations, worldwide. It is dedicated to provide products and services of such quality that our customers will receive superior value while our employees and business partners will share in our success and our stock-holders will receive a sustained superior return on their investment.”
Which one do you find more inspiring? More accurately, which of the two companies are designing and making the right products for the 21st century?
When Honda named its first American model the Civic, one senses they really meant it.
Posted by John Dodge on November 26, 2008
But, additionally, I just adore their mission statement. What great words to live by in this rocky time: "We see the world not as it is, but as it could be."
G.M. should look at Honda, a model 21st Century Company
November 26, 2008
If General Motors (G.M.) wants to emulate another auto maker, it should look no further than Honda. Honda is what a 21st century “mobility” maker should look like. And it clearly the most innovative of all auto makers.
The company gets more U.S. patents than any other auto maker by a wide margin. With 677 in 2007, it was awarded nearly double the number of Toyota and GM which were second and third, respectively. And Honda’s new Greensburg, Indiana plant (its fifth in the U.S.) that just opened is a model of efficiency.
Honda is also the greenest car company. It largely ignored the gas-guzzling SUV and pickup craze. Sure, it has the Pilot and ungainly Ridgeline which at best (read: highway) deliver 20-23 MPG. But Honda’s seven other models get 25 MPG or better – much better in some cases.
What spurred me to write this post was nothing in about the auto business. Rather, it was what Honda is doing in the Combined Heat and Power area. American Honda just introduced a new home cogeneration unit for heat and electricity. It’s basically a very smart generator that runs on propane to produce heat and power. As part of the freewatt system that can deliver as much as three quarters of a home’s heating and electricity, the freewatt system it promises 30% reduction in greenhouse gases over conventional heating systems and annual electric bill savings for $500-$1,000.
It’s worth reading Honda’s entire mission statement. But I will excerpt the top three paragraphs which emphasize its value proposition in terms of mobility and benefits for society:
“We see the world not as it is, but as it could be.
We see the world through the eyes of dreamers. Because we are a company founded by a dreamer. And we are a company built on dreams.
We see the pursuit of impossible dreams as an empowering force, capable of producing revolutionary ideas. Dreams inspire us to create innovative products that enhance human mobility and benefit society. Honda encourages all of its associates to pursue their dreams. And it’s our mission to share these dreams with others and to make them a reality.”
I could not find a GM mission statement per se at, but did find one on Google. It’s as follows:
“G.M. is a multinational corporation engaged in socially responsible operations, worldwide. It is dedicated to provide products and services of such quality that our customers will receive superior value while our employees and business partners will share in our success and our stock-holders will receive a sustained superior return on their investment.”
Which one do you find more inspiring? More accurately, which of the two companies are designing and making the right products for the 21st century?
When Honda named its first American model the Civic, one senses they really meant it.
Posted by John Dodge on November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Kitty Mobile
Man, I don't even have any carpets in my new place yet. But I'd consider getting a Roomba only because I'm sure my cat would love it (and frankly, she's been quite lazy lately).
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Latest Obsession: Globetrotting
So a few months ago on my way to Jeff + Sarah's wedding in Maine, Blogorelli and I stopped at a whole lotta vintage shops enroute (with her fabulously patient fiancé Mark in tow . . . or at least napping in the car). Anyhoo, in the basement of one of these spectacular shops, I discovered something that immediately brought me into a series of Fort Loramie elementary school flashbacks. It was this entirely awesome vintage globe. Bright colors popping off of the black of the water. Gorgeous. $50 seemed like a great deal for a wealth of reference and knowledge and future travel planning, not to mention the aforementioned nostalgia. It was in perfect condition and even in its original box with a informational leaflet. *sigh* But I didn't bite the bullet because I knew I was moving soon to NYC and didn't know how much space I would have for even the loveliest of globes and I was also fearful something would break in the move.
Since then, I have been continually thinking about it. When I assembled my new bookshelves the other night, I instantly thought that those three feet between the top and the ceiling would look SO much more stylish with that globe sitting there. And then yesterday, I stumbled upon an adorable West Village vintage shop with THE EXACT SAME GLOBE IN THE WINDOW! I almost squealed with glee but I think it was almost immediately choked with shock when I saw the pricetag: $350.
Boo. I remain obsessed with my escaped globe. I must have it. I am lost without it. ha.
Since then, I have been continually thinking about it. When I assembled my new bookshelves the other night, I instantly thought that those three feet between the top and the ceiling would look SO much more stylish with that globe sitting there. And then yesterday, I stumbled upon an adorable West Village vintage shop with THE EXACT SAME GLOBE IN THE WINDOW! I almost squealed with glee but I think it was almost immediately choked with shock when I saw the pricetag: $350.
Boo. I remain obsessed with my escaped globe. I must have it. I am lost without it. ha.

Monday, November 17, 2008
Randoms & Ramblings: Week of November 17
**This is a new series I'm developing for the ole blog. I find that most of my interesting tidbits are mere blurbs and not full posts. Look for one weekly (in addition to the 8 thousand posts I'm delinquent on about camping, sushi class, moving, my new job, the marathon. . . obv it goes without saying, I've been a bit too busy to post!)**
- So I was walking down a street in Soho this weekend (after going to the Moss sample sale and being thirty seconds too late to score a $50 Cycloc. CRAP!), and some dude with a clipboard approached me. I was skeptical and then almost laughed my butt off when he said they had filmed me walking down the street and wanted to get my release to use it on a TV show. What TV show, you ask? The Hills on MTV. I'll tell Lauren Conrad you said 'sup.'
- This was only my second time ever doing it, but there's nothing better and more New York-y than running over the Brooklyn Bridge (or walking for that matter). I heart it so much and it brings back memories of my high school NYC field trip (oh and when Miranda and Steve reunited in the Sex in the City movie too, OF COURSE!). There was a crazy high school marching band playing on this particular Sunday morning. But I find not too much strikes me as odd in NYC any longer.
- Speaking of something that isn't as odd as it sounds. . . so I was on the subway on Saturday afternoon when a group of 5 men boarded. The one comes straight to me and declares very loudly "Miss. My brotha fell in love with you the second he boarded this train. Can we dedicate this song to you?" I just laughed. He turned to his "brotha" and said "She said its OK, man. She said its OK." To which I declared "Uh. . . I don't think I actually said anything." He was a little thrown off his routine until I said "I'm just kidding. Its OK." And they continued on to sing a very lovely barbershop song and give me a nice fist-bump . . . they were pretty good too. They better have been though because I was obviously obliged to give them a dollar since it was dedicated to me. That was just sneaky trickery.
- And speaking of TRAINS (sheesh, I should be a broadcast journalist with my lead-ins, eh?), I was wondering this morning on the F train: those people you see that are asleep on the train (like 20% of commuters) — don't they have somewhere to be at a certain time?!? Aren't they totally freaked out that they'll miss their stop?!?
- And lastly. . . my week's revelation. I have a serious obsession with Asians (pears, that is). Damn, that must have been the fruit someone was eating when the term "nature's candy" was coined. Thank you DBOX for buying fresh fruit every week. And thank you Asians. You make a helluva pear.
- So I was walking down a street in Soho this weekend (after going to the Moss sample sale and being thirty seconds too late to score a $50 Cycloc. CRAP!), and some dude with a clipboard approached me. I was skeptical and then almost laughed my butt off when he said they had filmed me walking down the street and wanted to get my release to use it on a TV show. What TV show, you ask? The Hills on MTV. I'll tell Lauren Conrad you said 'sup.'
- This was only my second time ever doing it, but there's nothing better and more New York-y than running over the Brooklyn Bridge (or walking for that matter). I heart it so much and it brings back memories of my high school NYC field trip (oh and when Miranda and Steve reunited in the Sex in the City movie too, OF COURSE!). There was a crazy high school marching band playing on this particular Sunday morning. But I find not too much strikes me as odd in NYC any longer.
- Speaking of something that isn't as odd as it sounds. . . so I was on the subway on Saturday afternoon when a group of 5 men boarded. The one comes straight to me and declares very loudly "Miss. My brotha fell in love with you the second he boarded this train. Can we dedicate this song to you?" I just laughed. He turned to his "brotha" and said "She said its OK, man. She said its OK." To which I declared "Uh. . . I don't think I actually said anything." He was a little thrown off his routine until I said "I'm just kidding. Its OK." And they continued on to sing a very lovely barbershop song and give me a nice fist-bump . . . they were pretty good too. They better have been though because I was obviously obliged to give them a dollar since it was dedicated to me. That was just sneaky trickery.
- And speaking of TRAINS (sheesh, I should be a broadcast journalist with my lead-ins, eh?), I was wondering this morning on the F train: those people you see that are asleep on the train (like 20% of commuters) — don't they have somewhere to be at a certain time?!? Aren't they totally freaked out that they'll miss their stop?!?
- And lastly. . . my week's revelation. I have a serious obsession with Asians (pears, that is). Damn, that must have been the fruit someone was eating when the term "nature's candy" was coined. Thank you DBOX for buying fresh fruit every week. And thank you Asians. You make a helluva pear.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Oh Espresso Machine . . . you are my new NYC best friend.
OK — Every night I have big lofty goals to write the list of 10+ blogs that have been in my back pocket in the last month.
But right now (pardon me, while I become "excuses" girl), I am seriously juggling 2 full time jobs. One that follows me home every night . . . because I still have so many unfinished freelance projects from when I was in between jobs. No worries — I can handle freelance occasionally on a night or weekend. But I have so many and they're so huge that the combination is making me stay up til about 2am every night! I'm the queen of multi-tasking and super efficient at my craft, so what gives workload?
But LUCKILY! Its the weekend. I am not making any "just one drink" plans any longer until I get through the bulk of this. Very sad for a new New Yorker not to go out and get to know her new buddy but its better for me to focus and barrel through! But maybe I will at least find a cute coffee shop to do a few hours of work at so I can feel productive at the same moment!
And then I can ease up on the three espressos a day (thank GOD dbox has a kick ass Nespresso). I can enjoy being in the same city as some of my absolute favorite friends. I can finally get to my apartment and put stuff away and buy new things to . . . I don't know . . . sit on? ha. And I will finally come back to you, dear patient bloggers.
Interestingly enough, on swissmiss there was a stat the other day: According to the Technorati 2008 State of the Blogosphere, of the 133 million blogs the site tracks only 7.4 million have been updated in the last 120 days. (For those that don't feel like doing the math, that's 125.6 million abandoned or at least unloved blogs.) Not I! I could never abandoned the readers who are so interested in my roller coaster of a nutjob life. ;)
But right now (pardon me, while I become "excuses" girl), I am seriously juggling 2 full time jobs. One that follows me home every night . . . because I still have so many unfinished freelance projects from when I was in between jobs. No worries — I can handle freelance occasionally on a night or weekend. But I have so many and they're so huge that the combination is making me stay up til about 2am every night! I'm the queen of multi-tasking and super efficient at my craft, so what gives workload?
But LUCKILY! Its the weekend. I am not making any "just one drink" plans any longer until I get through the bulk of this. Very sad for a new New Yorker not to go out and get to know her new buddy but its better for me to focus and barrel through! But maybe I will at least find a cute coffee shop to do a few hours of work at so I can feel productive at the same moment!
And then I can ease up on the three espressos a day (thank GOD dbox has a kick ass Nespresso). I can enjoy being in the same city as some of my absolute favorite friends. I can finally get to my apartment and put stuff away and buy new things to . . . I don't know . . . sit on? ha. And I will finally come back to you, dear patient bloggers.
Interestingly enough, on swissmiss there was a stat the other day: According to the Technorati 2008 State of the Blogosphere, of the 133 million blogs the site tracks only 7.4 million have been updated in the last 120 days. (For those that don't feel like doing the math, that's 125.6 million abandoned or at least unloved blogs.) Not I! I could never abandoned the readers who are so interested in my roller coaster of a nutjob life. ;)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
IRAQ WAR ENDS!!! Front page of the New YOrk Times today.
So on the train today, a man's NYT caught my eye with this huge exciting headline!
After some anxious and exciting googling back at my desk, turns out it was a huge spoof that folks were passing out for free at major subway stations. The group created the special edition from a future in which we are accomplishing what we know today to be possible. So sad that this is only a spoof but here's hoping. I wish I could get my hands on one because they are sure to be collector's items.
After some anxious and exciting googling back at my desk, turns out it was a huge spoof that folks were passing out for free at major subway stations. The group created the special edition from a future in which we are accomplishing what we know today to be possible. So sad that this is only a spoof but here's hoping. I wish I could get my hands on one because they are sure to be collector's items.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Fun for iPhoners
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