So a few months ago on my way to Jeff + Sarah's wedding in Maine,
Blogorelli and I stopped at a whole lotta vintage shops enroute (with her fabulously patient fiancé Mark in tow . . . or at least napping in the car). Anyhoo, in the basement of one of these spectacular shops, I discovered something that immediately brought me into a series of Fort Loramie elementary school flashbacks. It was this entirely awesome vintage globe. Bright colors popping off of the black of the water. Gorgeous. $50 seemed like a great deal for a wealth of reference and knowledge and future travel planning, not to mention the aforementioned nostalgia. It was in perfect condition and even in its original box with a informational leaflet. *sigh* But I didn't bite the bullet because I knew I was moving soon to NYC and didn't know how much space I would have for even the loveliest of globes and I was also fearful something would break in the move.
Since then, I have been continually thinking about it. When I assembled my new bookshelves the other night, I instantly thought that those three feet between the top and the ceiling would look SO much more stylish with that globe sitting there. And then yesterday, I stumbled upon an adorable West Village vintage shop with THE EXACT SAME GLOBE IN THE WINDOW! I almost squealed with glee but I think it was almost immediately choked with shock when I saw the pricetag: $350.
Boo. I remain obsessed with my escaped globe. I must have it. I am lost without it. ha.
Ah, the old Ft Loramie elementary days. You know they are demolishing the building soon. So sad. Anyway, found this:
Ebay: $12.00
1 hr left :)
Sorry, mean I DAY left!
I was soooo excited but then realized its only 12" tall. Sad. Good find though, Kelly!!!
I cannot BELIEVE they are tearing that building down!!! Oh the memories of grandparents' days, cartwheels in the library, and meeting my childhood best friend when she moved to Fort Loramie. :)
commenting to you from my iPod touch. Am moving home next week since was laidoff this week. Screw work. If he later give me a call 937-751-6784
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