Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh Espresso Machine . . . you are my new NYC best friend.

OK — Every night I have big lofty goals to write the list of 10+ blogs that have been in my back pocket in the last month.

But right now (pardon me, while I become "excuses" girl), I am seriously juggling 2 full time jobs. One that follows me home every night . . . because I still have so many unfinished freelance projects from when I was in between jobs. No worries — I can handle freelance occasionally on a night or weekend. But I have so many and they're so huge that the combination is making me stay up til about 2am every night! I'm the queen of multi-tasking and super efficient at my craft, so what gives workload?

But LUCKILY! Its the weekend. I am not making any "just one drink" plans any longer until I get through the bulk of this. Very sad for a new New Yorker not to go out and get to know her new buddy but its better for me to focus and barrel through! But maybe I will at least find a cute coffee shop to do a few hours of work at so I can feel productive at the same moment!

And then I can ease up on the three espressos a day (thank GOD dbox has a kick ass Nespresso). I can enjoy being in the same city as some of my absolute favorite friends. I can finally get to my apartment and put stuff away and buy new things to . . . I don't know . . . sit on? ha. And I will finally come back to you, dear patient bloggers.

Interestingly enough, on swissmiss there was a stat the other day: According to the Technorati 2008 State of the Blogosphere, of the 133 million blogs the site tracks only 7.4 million have been updated in the last 120 days. (For those that don't feel like doing the math, that's 125.6 million abandoned or at least unloved blogs.) Not I! I could never abandoned the readers who are so interested in my roller coaster of a nutjob life. ;)


Anonymous said...

hey sista!!! it's 11:30pm friday and i'm giving you a empathetic shout regarding freelance duties CUZ i'm jumping back in for round3 of a freelance project right now!!!

skydiving in stilettos said...

ha! why oh why is that espresso machine at dbox?!?!? I could totally use one now here at "Design studio a la East Village"!!!!

Good luck sister in freelance stress! ;)