And although the whole middle child complex has definitely had its way with me, I am so thankful to have both an older and a younger sister. I love them exactly the same obviously but have such different relationships with both.
Whether we are sharing drinks together, chasing Maddy + Eli together, running a race together, sending ridiculous cards (Jessica's usually make me laugh so hard I cry, and Tessa's usually are just so sappy and sweet that I cry as well!)... I know that they are the two best soulmates I will ever have in my life... maybe some lucky guy will come in third someday. ;)
Just wanted to let cyberspace know how damn lucky I am.

Yeah, your sisters are OK, but its your parents that really rock!
Well, I think by having such great sisters and being so gosh-darn fabulous myself... that that is pretty obviously a given! Thanks, MOM! Love you!
Hey, I just read this and it made me cry, you bitch!
I mean... DAD
Jess, would you rather the alternative post? :)
awww!! i love you. that is really sweet. i have no words that can respond to that... but don't worry i won't call you a bitch like jess... she has a way with words ;)
i'm so lucky to have you!
I mean bitch quite affectionately, of course.
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