... no not monetarily, sillyfaces. I owe the blogworld some serious posts from my weekend. But its Monday and in addition to being REALLY tired from the weekend (I'm not in my twenties anymore afterall), I'm also swamped at work.
So expect some posts either tonight or tomorrow morning... I haven't forgotten you!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Do you Know Whose Birthday it is Today???
Barbara Streisands, actually. And Kelly Clarkson too.
Its been a great start to my thirysomethings -- flowers from Jessica, lots of email/phone birthday wishes, and last night something I've never had in my twenties, teens, or as a child -- A SURPRISE PARTY!!!
I really was totally fooled and totally surprised! It was so exciting! All from work and their significant others were there... along with my good friends Silvia, Christi, Jeff, and Sarah. We had pizza, cheese, chips and salsa, and, of course, CARROT CAKE! Oh, and lots of champagne (man, do they know me well).
I received some amazing gifts as well -- I'm officially spoiled! Thank you so much everyone! (if you couldn't make it, check out my slideshow on the sidebar in the right).
I love my thirties!
Its been a great start to my thirysomethings -- flowers from Jessica, lots of email/phone birthday wishes, and last night something I've never had in my twenties, teens, or as a child -- A SURPRISE PARTY!!!
I really was totally fooled and totally surprised! It was so exciting! All from work and their significant others were there... along with my good friends Silvia, Christi, Jeff, and Sarah. We had pizza, cheese, chips and salsa, and, of course, CARROT CAKE! Oh, and lots of champagne (man, do they know me well).
I received some amazing gifts as well -- I'm officially spoiled! Thank you so much everyone! (if you couldn't make it, check out my slideshow on the sidebar in the right).
I love my thirties!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Irving's Toy & Card Shop in Brookline
I'll tell you what — nothing makes you feel like a kid again like cheap plastic toys and awesome candy. In preparation for my "Sweet 16 (Plus 14)" Pajamie-Jam this weekend, I swept off at lunch today to Irving's Toy and Card Shop in Brookline. I had so much fun buying random toys like a Magic 8 Ball, Silly Putty, Slinky, Flutophone, an Echo Microphone and tons of yummy candies like Now&Later, Airheads, Ring Pops, Push Pops, Lemonheads, Atomic Firebombs, Nerds and more...
Check out this photo of the ever awesome Ethel who has been ringing up the old-time cash register since 1942! What a great institution!

Check out this photo of the ever awesome Ethel who has been ringing up the old-time cash register since 1942! What a great institution!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My birthday week is off to a great start!
Well, its officially birthday week (big day is Thursday) and at my office yesterday, not one, not two, but THREE birthday packages arrived! And, they were all from my awesome friends Alex + Christine in Chicago. They are the most clever gift-givers ever.
Check it -- the first package (which didn't have a "from" anywhere on it so it brought this whole aura of mystery) was a gift certificate to the Cambridge School of Culinary Arts. The second package was an awesome box of various curry spices and bay leaves and such that smelled INTOXICATINGLY good. And the last package was from Amazon.com with an Indian cookbook! I love theme presents!!!
I'm so excited to test out some new recipes and take a class at the cooking school. I've fallen off the cooking band-wagon lately getting lots of take-out and frozen food and I really miss cooking... recipes to share later when I test them out!
Flights are Booked!!!
My around-the-world-tour is on! Man, I never needed a vacation more either...
Here's my itinerary:
May 14 - I leave at 1:55 and arrive in San Francisco at 8pm (with a layover in Chicago for two hours. Any of my Chicago friends interested in a super quick visit?).
I hope to meet up with my friends Danielle and Scott (and Ranjit if that punk emails me back!).
May 15 - leave for Tokyo at 1pm and arrive at 4ish on May 16. Perfectly, Vik's flight lands around the same time so we can share a taxi to the hotel (yea - work expenses for him = free for me!).
May 16-May 18 - fun and insanity in Tokyo! (including karaoke, sumo wrestling matches, mad shopping, and getting dressed as a geisha!
May 18-May 20 - to Osaka via bullet train. We're in Osaka for Sunday through Tuesday (I think?) and I definitely hop over to Kyoto only a half-hour away since its supposely the most picturesque town in Japan with temples, cherry blossoms (if they're still there mid-May), and beautiful parks.
May 20 - back to Tokyo for more fun and insanity!
May 21 - leave for Vancouver at 6pm / arrive in Vancouver at 11am the SAME DAY! Two days for the price of one - awesome.
May 21 - spend a few days seeing the sites of Vancouver with my good friend Stephen.
May 22ish - spend a few days in Seattle seeing the sites. doing some hiking.
May 25 - leave from Vancouver to NYC. Arrive in NYC around 9ish.
May 26 (Memorial Day) - I can either jet directly back to Boston on a 7am flight, or stay in NYC on my day off to squeeze a few more friends into my vacation! Yet to be determined... I may be BEAT by this time!
See?!? World-tour, right?! I'm SOOOO excited... any travel tips for the bevy of cities I'll be hitting are definitely appreciated!
Here's my itinerary:
May 14 - I leave at 1:55 and arrive in San Francisco at 8pm (with a layover in Chicago for two hours. Any of my Chicago friends interested in a super quick visit?).
I hope to meet up with my friends Danielle and Scott (and Ranjit if that punk emails me back!).
May 15 - leave for Tokyo at 1pm and arrive at 4ish on May 16. Perfectly, Vik's flight lands around the same time so we can share a taxi to the hotel (yea - work expenses for him = free for me!).
May 16-May 18 - fun and insanity in Tokyo! (including karaoke, sumo wrestling matches, mad shopping, and getting dressed as a geisha!
May 18-May 20 - to Osaka via bullet train. We're in Osaka for Sunday through Tuesday (I think?) and I definitely hop over to Kyoto only a half-hour away since its supposely the most picturesque town in Japan with temples, cherry blossoms (if they're still there mid-May), and beautiful parks.
May 20 - back to Tokyo for more fun and insanity!
May 21 - leave for Vancouver at 6pm / arrive in Vancouver at 11am the SAME DAY! Two days for the price of one - awesome.
May 21 - spend a few days seeing the sites of Vancouver with my good friend Stephen.
May 22ish - spend a few days in Seattle seeing the sites. doing some hiking.
May 25 - leave from Vancouver to NYC. Arrive in NYC around 9ish.
May 26 (Memorial Day) - I can either jet directly back to Boston on a 7am flight, or stay in NYC on my day off to squeeze a few more friends into my vacation! Yet to be determined... I may be BEAT by this time!
See?!? World-tour, right?! I'm SOOOO excited... any travel tips for the bevy of cities I'll be hitting are definitely appreciated!
I <3 New Shoes
Living up to my blog name -- I bought three heels and a pair of wedges over the weekend. Here's pair number one. I call them my "Wonder Woman" shoes (I know, I know - she wore red boots but ever since my halloween costume a few years back of "Wonder Woman on her day off" I've had a weird obsession with star patterns and such since!).
Monday, April 21, 2008
I Am SOOOOO Assymmetrical
With all the hype around Marathon Monday here in Beantown, I went into Niketown on Saturday morning to make use of the video gait analysis they were doing. I have had serious problems finding the perfect running shoe. With my flat feet, neutral running shoes make my arches (or lack thereof) cramp and the stability shoes made for over-pronaters like myself always result in serious blisters in my arch area. It got so bad that I just started taping my feet and that's how I made it through marathon training last year (seriously, I've tried everything -- Glide, moleskin, double-layer socks, the special Asic socks that are specially made for Left and Right feet).
The guy who did my analysis was great -- even more informed than the Marathon Sports guys I've had in the past (which despite my continual shoe failure I'm always impressed with). He even recommended a pair of Brooks shoes in addition to a Nike brand!
In any case, the actual analysis was pretty cool. I ran on the treadmill and they videotaped and displayed on the huge flat-screen my ankles and feet. WOW! I had no idea what was going on down there! It was so bad I was shocked people hadn't stopped me before because it seriously looked like my left foot was turning completely on its one side! As bad as that was, my right foot -- looked totally normally. I was SO lopsided. It explained my stress fracture in October and why the blisters were always so much more severe on my left foot.
I asked if I should be wearing two different types of shoes on each foot to compensate -- and his answer was "actually, yes." Or I could get orthotics specially-made for running if I continued to have shoe-drama. He also said I was probably doing this because my hip-muscles were tight and I should incorporate some yoga stretches like pigeon (which I had just read the other day!) and stretch extra long after my runs (FYI to the new runners who say they're inspired to run after a few of my posts - stretching AFTER your run is super important. You don't want to stretch cold muscles before you run). So next Niketown Running Club (on 4/30 since I'll be missing this week because of a conference call for work) I will be trying on the Nike pair he recommended and see how it goes.
Anyhow, I highly recommend video gait-analysis. It was SO interesting!
In the meantime, good luck to all the marathoners today! Especially my good friend Brandon (#2981)! I'm tracking him now and he's off to a good steady start with a 6:55 pace at the 10K mark! I'm wearing my new "RUN BEANTOWN" t-shirt today in honor of the race (damn... I'd rather be running the marathon than working today!).
The guy who did my analysis was great -- even more informed than the Marathon Sports guys I've had in the past (which despite my continual shoe failure I'm always impressed with). He even recommended a pair of Brooks shoes in addition to a Nike brand!
In any case, the actual analysis was pretty cool. I ran on the treadmill and they videotaped and displayed on the huge flat-screen my ankles and feet. WOW! I had no idea what was going on down there! It was so bad I was shocked people hadn't stopped me before because it seriously looked like my left foot was turning completely on its one side! As bad as that was, my right foot -- looked totally normally. I was SO lopsided. It explained my stress fracture in October and why the blisters were always so much more severe on my left foot.
I asked if I should be wearing two different types of shoes on each foot to compensate -- and his answer was "actually, yes." Or I could get orthotics specially-made for running if I continued to have shoe-drama. He also said I was probably doing this because my hip-muscles were tight and I should incorporate some yoga stretches like pigeon (which I had just read the other day!) and stretch extra long after my runs (FYI to the new runners who say they're inspired to run after a few of my posts - stretching AFTER your run is super important. You don't want to stretch cold muscles before you run). So next Niketown Running Club (on 4/30 since I'll be missing this week because of a conference call for work) I will be trying on the Nike pair he recommended and see how it goes.
Anyhow, I highly recommend video gait-analysis. It was SO interesting!
In the meantime, good luck to all the marathoners today! Especially my good friend Brandon (#2981)! I'm tracking him now and he's off to a good steady start with a 6:55 pace at the 10K mark! I'm wearing my new "RUN BEANTOWN" t-shirt today in honor of the race (damn... I'd rather be running the marathon than working today!).
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Just Wanted to Tell the Blog-World
I have really awesome girlfriends... you know who you are out there. ;)
Friday, April 18, 2008
Happy Hour at the Beehive - April 25
Yes, it may hard to believe when looking at my youthful fresh face (ha), but I turn 30 next Thursday. WOO HOOO!!! Thursday itself is a day including a physical at the doctor, lots of work, and probably a last minute house-cleaning for my weekend of visitors (not to mention PAJAMIE-JAM!). But on Friday, April 25, I'm having a little Happy Hour at the Beehive. Right after work (6:30ish). Lines usually start at 9ish on Fridays so come on the early side so you aren't waiting in a line...
Join me!
Join me!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Niketown Running Club
Last night I joined the Boston Niketown Running Club at 6:30pm (I know -- can you believe I got out of work that early!?!). It was great... although a real shock how out of shape I am. I opted for the shorter 3.5 mile run because I haven't run in months. I never slowed to a walk but I was definitely one of the stragglers in the back. Several 5.5-mile runners passed me! Slightly embarrassing but I have come to terms that I'm a slow runner and that's ok (at least I'm running!). And also, no matter how great of running shape I'm in, the first 3 miles are always THE WORST!
Anyhow, I got to try a new pair of Nike sneakers for the run... I didn't choose wisely because they really hurt my sensitive-arches but will gladly try another pair next week. The weather was perfect and sunset on the Charles River makes me totally love Boston and running. I'm addicted... and its way cheaper and closer of a location than my $90 running group from last year (also a great group - BostonFit - but logistically difficult for me without a car).
In additional running news, they're already setting up the grandstands for the Boston marathon on Monday. I have to work but will watch the coverage and maybe head out at lunch to check it out... I hope to run this bitch in the next few years (getting my number by raising money for charity -- qualifying with a 3:40 marathon just ain't in this slow-ladies realms of possibility!).
Anyhow, I got to try a new pair of Nike sneakers for the run... I didn't choose wisely because they really hurt my sensitive-arches but will gladly try another pair next week. The weather was perfect and sunset on the Charles River makes me totally love Boston and running. I'm addicted... and its way cheaper and closer of a location than my $90 running group from last year (also a great group - BostonFit - but logistically difficult for me without a car).
In additional running news, they're already setting up the grandstands for the Boston marathon on Monday. I have to work but will watch the coverage and maybe head out at lunch to check it out... I hope to run this bitch in the next few years (getting my number by raising money for charity -- qualifying with a 3:40 marathon just ain't in this slow-ladies realms of possibility!).
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wallpaper is Coming to Boston
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Meet my new sister Baiba
My parents hosted a Latvian woman for the weekend as part of a Rotary Exchange. I don't know whether it was all the vodka but I think my mother may love her more than my sisters + I. She was very upset when she left (and even mentioned moving to Latvia!). I'm sorry I didn't get to meet her. Although I can't deal with another heartbreak after my childhood memory of finding three adorable baby huskies on the woodpile out back and having them for a weekend only to find their real owners. Sad.
Bon voyage and safe travels, Baiba!
Bon voyage and safe travels, Baiba!

Monday, April 14, 2008
Yea Mom... I know you're out there!
Dear Mom... I was only keeping this blog from you because I was afraid you would flip out if you knew we were planning on skydiving. And I had every intention of sending you the link after it was over.
SHOW YOURSELF! ha ha ha. Post a comment! Welcome! We need to give you an awesome blog nickname! ;)
SHOW YOURSELF! ha ha ha. Post a comment! Welcome! We need to give you an awesome blog nickname! ;)
Life List #28: "Damn it feels good to be a gangsta"

This phenomenal photo is my sisters and our war paint and was taken as "Damn it feels good to be a gangsta" played on the radio. Sure the folks at the paintball course thought we were complete morons since we wore full facemasks and you couldn't even see our warpaint on the field... but the boys were intimidated and shaking in their sneakers so it worked for us.
Todd and Tessa took the MVP awards in my opinion -- serious sharp-shooters. Jessica didn't cry as predicted so that was a major accomplishment for her as well. Bill and Tim left with their 'manhood' in tact, so I'm sure they're pretty happy with how the day turned out. And I had some pretty awesome shots myself (both given and received... if this blog wasn't rated PG, I would tell you more about the freaky bruise I have).
The game was awesome especially having our own field. The trash-talking beforehand was also quite fun as it escalated to some horrific descriptions and tears of laughter. Next time the birthday girl should get the machine gun though... and, believe me, there WILL be a next time. Maybe we'll even advance past the twelve-year-old's course! SUPER THANKS TO MY AWESOME SISTERS FOR ORGANIZING!!!
Life List #19: Go Skydiving for my 30th Birthday
... on hold. GRRR.
So Friday evening, I was sitting in AirTran Business Class sipping my Bailey's on the rocks as I headed to Baltimore airport (I missed my earlier flight and had to upgrade to Business Class to ensure I didn't get bumped on the next one... that $40 was worth all three Bailey's after the stress of thinking I would miss my skydiving jump the next morning).
When I landed in Baltimore, I got the voicemail from Skydive Orange... bad weather, clouds, thunderstorms... I should reschedule. Called him back that night and explained we wouldn't be able to reschedule for several months since both my sister and I are from out of town. That's fine... but I was definitely bummed.
No worries. The rest of the weekend was great. I'm still alive. And I'm excited to plan another trip to DC soon (hopefully the flights get cheaper and the weather is sunnier!).
So Friday evening, I was sitting in AirTran Business Class sipping my Bailey's on the rocks as I headed to Baltimore airport (I missed my earlier flight and had to upgrade to Business Class to ensure I didn't get bumped on the next one... that $40 was worth all three Bailey's after the stress of thinking I would miss my skydiving jump the next morning).
When I landed in Baltimore, I got the voicemail from Skydive Orange... bad weather, clouds, thunderstorms... I should reschedule. Called him back that night and explained we wouldn't be able to reschedule for several months since both my sister and I are from out of town. That's fine... but I was definitely bummed.
No worries. The rest of the weekend was great. I'm still alive. And I'm excited to plan another trip to DC soon (hopefully the flights get cheaper and the weather is sunnier!).
Lift List #107: Do a Keg Stand with my Sisters
So I finally did my first keg-stand. Although it was an experiment for even the experienced keg-standers. Saturday night at my sister's house in Alexandria, we had wings, pizza, beer, bocce, and birthday cake. And three little girls fighting over princess costumes, of course. Oh, the drama of being 4 makes me appreciate turning 30.
The experiment part of the evening came when the liquor store didn't have a pony keg. And a full keg for 8 drinkers would result in some traumatizing things (or kegs and eggs the next morning before paintball... also probably traumatizing). So we got the good ole' Heineken Draught Keg... sweet. We basically put it on the ground and did hand stands in the mud. I definitely held my own compared to my sisters although my little sister easily kicked our butts (unfair advantage of being 23). And apparently, the Heiney keg is tougher to keg stand because it pours faster. So I did it... and passed the 10 second minimum implemented to count as a completed Life List item by the group.
Here's a photo of my gymnastic triumph (no... Tim is not spanking me!)
So I finally did my first keg-stand. Although it was an experiment for even the experienced keg-standers. Saturday night at my sister's house in Alexandria, we had wings, pizza, beer, bocce, and birthday cake. And three little girls fighting over princess costumes, of course. Oh, the drama of being 4 makes me appreciate turning 30.
The experiment part of the evening came when the liquor store didn't have a pony keg. And a full keg for 8 drinkers would result in some traumatizing things (or kegs and eggs the next morning before paintball... also probably traumatizing). So we got the good ole' Heineken Draught Keg... sweet. We basically put it on the ground and did hand stands in the mud. I definitely held my own compared to my sisters although my little sister easily kicked our butts (unfair advantage of being 23). And apparently, the Heiney keg is tougher to keg stand because it pours faster. So I did it... and passed the 10 second minimum implemented to count as a completed Life List item by the group.
Here's a photo of my gymnastic triumph (no... Tim is not spanking me!)

Friday, April 11, 2008
This SH*T is Bananas!
Man ... I really wish that "scare the shit out of people dressed up as a banana" was on my Life List. This looks fun as hell.
(via gigglesugar)
(via gigglesugar)
Pray for Sunny Skies!!!
Supposedly it is going to be raining tomorrow morning when my sister and I are making our notorious skydiving jump outside of D.C. with a chance of thunderstorms. I REALLY hope that doesn't happen... no refunds although they will reschedule it (which is difficult bc neither of us live near D.C.). So now I find myself more stressed about the weather than the actual falling towards the earth component.
In any case, I will be putting some serious notches on this Life List of mine.
19. go skydiving for my 30th birthday
28. play paintball (not entirely sure... but my sisters are up to another surprise that is on the list and they said 'bring old clothes' so I'm guessing. its either that or we will be climbing Mt. Kilmanjaro)
107. do a keg stand with both my sisters (yes... my sisters made me put this on my list a year ago when they were appalled to hear that I had never done one. This should prove to be interesting with the braces. I also plan on playing the card that since it says "with" that they must do one also... after all, someone has to show me how its done!).
My list will jump down to only 97 things (from 111). Pretty good for one year... especially with a few more items checking off in the next month!
In any case, I will be putting some serious notches on this Life List of mine.
19. go skydiving for my 30th birthday
28. play paintball (not entirely sure... but my sisters are up to another surprise that is on the list and they said 'bring old clothes' so I'm guessing. its either that or we will be climbing Mt. Kilmanjaro)
107. do a keg stand with both my sisters (yes... my sisters made me put this on my list a year ago when they were appalled to hear that I had never done one. This should prove to be interesting with the braces. I also plan on playing the card that since it says "with" that they must do one also... after all, someone has to show me how its done!).
My list will jump down to only 97 things (from 111). Pretty good for one year... especially with a few more items checking off in the next month!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Lies Told to Children
The uber-friendly Swiss Miss (who I emailed this week to ask about proper ways of crediting links) found this great post titled "lies raul told his 3 year old recently":
Trees talk to each other at night.
All fish are named either Lorna or Jack.
Before your eyeballs fall out from watching too much TV, they get very loose.
Tiny bears live in drain pipes.
If you are very very quiet you can hear the clouds rub against the sky.
The moon and the sun had a fight a long time ago.
Everyone knows at least one secret language.
When nobody is looking, I can fly.
We are all held together by invisible threads.
Books get lonely too.
Sadness can be eaten.
I will always be there.
lies i've told my 3 year old recently, by raul gutierrez
(via swissmiss)
This really made me think about the lies my parents told me that I believed. My father told me that the mole on his forehead was from when he was struck by lightening (he was indeed struck by lightening when my mother was pregnant with me)... ironically, my mother once told me that if I stood too close to the sliding glass door during a lightening storm that I could be struck and then my hair would become the curly rainbow afro you see on clowns. I was a real stupid child (a) to even believe them and (2) to not realize that my dad should be sporting a rainbow afro rather than a mole on his forehead.
What did your parents tell you as a kid that you believed?
Trees talk to each other at night.
All fish are named either Lorna or Jack.
Before your eyeballs fall out from watching too much TV, they get very loose.
Tiny bears live in drain pipes.
If you are very very quiet you can hear the clouds rub against the sky.
The moon and the sun had a fight a long time ago.
Everyone knows at least one secret language.
When nobody is looking, I can fly.
We are all held together by invisible threads.
Books get lonely too.
Sadness can be eaten.
I will always be there.
lies i've told my 3 year old recently, by raul gutierrez
(via swissmiss)
This really made me think about the lies my parents told me that I believed. My father told me that the mole on his forehead was from when he was struck by lightening (he was indeed struck by lightening when my mother was pregnant with me)... ironically, my mother once told me that if I stood too close to the sliding glass door during a lightening storm that I could be struck and then my hair would become the curly rainbow afro you see on clowns. I was a real stupid child (a) to even believe them and (2) to not realize that my dad should be sporting a rainbow afro rather than a mole on his forehead.
What did your parents tell you as a kid that you believed?
I Was Not Born to Be an Event Planner
For crying out loud... planning your own birthday party is a pain in the patootie. I need a boyfriend if only to take that task over.
But the evites have all gone out and the dinner reservations confirmed (not without drama first) and there's nothing more satisfying than rsvp's trickling in of who will be coming. Can't wait to share the photos from the big birthday weekend (the weekend of the 26th) and the one with my sisters this upcoming weekend (hullo... SKYDIVING!).
Lots of things will be checked off the big to do list.
But the evites have all gone out and the dinner reservations confirmed (not without drama first) and there's nothing more satisfying than rsvp's trickling in of who will be coming. Can't wait to share the photos from the big birthday weekend (the weekend of the 26th) and the one with my sisters this upcoming weekend (hullo... SKYDIVING!).
Lots of things will be checked off the big to do list.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Duck Tour Fun with My Cousin Todd
I'm an official dork... but being that it runs in the family, I decided to take my cousin Todd who is in town for a few days on a gray rainy tour of Boston on a shrink-wrapped Duck Tour boat! We saw all kinds of fun and I learned a lot of new things about the city... today he's heading out to walk around the town (luckily sunny today) while I'm at work. Its so fun having him here!!!
Bedding ReDo: Before and After
The employees of Target officially love me because they all got a raise this weekend. I dropped a pretty penny at Target... new jeans, a Swiss Army carryon luggage, and random Target miscellany... ANNNNDDD! new bedding and lamps for my bedroom. Needed it for a while and when I found out that Dwell came out with a line of bedding at Target, it didn't take long to zipcar my ass over there to check it out.

After (notice the coverlet bought for the purpose of my cat... she didn't waste a second claiming it either):
After (notice the coverlet bought for the purpose of my cat... she didn't waste a second claiming it either):
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Holy Moley!!! BIG NEWS!!!
Um... just found out #40 on my list will totally be happening in May. WHAT?!?! More info to come soon! This is HUGE!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Korn Design loves us some Blind Embossing
Check it! We have new business cards at Korn Design... blind embossed with hand-applied stickers of our individual info.
I haven't decided which color card is my favorite but the great thing is I can change my mind and choose from seven different hues at any moment (the white card with the white sticker is pretty sleek and sexy).

I haven't decided which color card is my favorite but the great thing is I can change my mind and choose from seven different hues at any moment (the white card with the white sticker is pretty sleek and sexy).

Adjusting my Crazy Ways
I'm a creature of habit... so much so that in the few days I've started this blog, I keep visiting it with my lists of other blogs I frequent with an immediate reaction of "dang... no new posts".
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Woo-hoo: New goggles!
To help with items #2 and #6 from my list, I bought new swim goggles today. These are my THIRD pair. First pair I left on the shower hook at the gym... the second pair (Nike) fogged, filled with water, and made my eyeballs feel like they were going to pop out of my sockets no matter how loose I made the straps, so hopefully I have some better luck with my new Speedo Race View Training Goggles (ah hem... endorsed by Bob Bowman, coach of Michael Phelps... if that means anything). I attempted to take a photo from my computer at work but... well... they were all just too damn frightening (especially when combined with my braces) so I am not including. I don't want to lose all my readers just as I'm getting this blog started!!!
Despite my sassy new goggles though... I will NOT be buying this Prada swim cap that was brought to my attention by my coworkers this morning. I can assure that I would get kicked in the face if I was competing with that crazy thing on!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Fainting Goats?!?
Here's the problem with a day-old blog, there are just WAY too many funny and bizarre new things to post about!
Such as this weird video (thank you, Tara):
Poor little guys — both because of the fainting itself and because of how much my co-workers and myself are laughing hysterically at their sad situation.
Such as this weird video (thank you, Tara):
Poor little guys — both because of the fainting itself and because of how much my co-workers and myself are laughing hysterically at their sad situation.
Spring for Boston?

I need some Spring here... this morning was gray and ick.
In the meantime, can someone work on doing this on the streets of Boston? These were actually done in DC. Genius.
(via Mark Jenkins)
OOO. Ouch. Ugh.

I need to seriously get into spring training a bit more regularly — the half-marathon is at the end of May (sub-2 hours, here I come!) and my first triathlon is fast approaching as well on May 18. I also bought a super cute triathlon suit this weekend too! Well... “super cute” is probably arguable. I'm not going to be wearing it out on the town any night soon but I was happy that trying it on wasn't nearly as traumatizing as originally expected. Another perk — whatever synthetic crap this suit is made of works MUCH better than any Spanx I've ever owned (so you never know... next time I'm out on the town looking slim and fit, maybe I am actually sporting my tri-suit under my ensemble! Sexy!).
Tonight I'm going to pin down my running schedule and figure out how to fix the loose seat and flat tire on my bike. But no arm workout or lifting any heavy books for the next 24 hours at least!
I Have Another Addiction Beyond Lists
In fact, I should enter some support group because I'm so obsessed beyond normalcy.
I have the world's cutest damn nephew and niece ever. Cuter now that Eli has had a new haircut (he was looking a little Jon Bon Jovi-esque which is slightly disconcerting for a 15-month old).
During (warning, the sound here is BRUTAL so don't have your sound all the way up!):
and After (turn your sound back on... so cute!):
I have the world's cutest damn nephew and niece ever. Cuter now that Eli has had a new haircut (he was looking a little Jon Bon Jovi-esque which is slightly disconcerting for a 15-month old).
During (warning, the sound here is BRUTAL so don't have your sound all the way up!):
and After (turn your sound back on... so cute!):
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