Thursday, April 24, 2008

Do you Know Whose Birthday it is Today???

Barbara Streisands, actually. And Kelly Clarkson too.

Its been a great start to my thirysomethings -- flowers from Jessica, lots of email/phone birthday wishes, and last night something I've never had in my twenties, teens, or as a child -- A SURPRISE PARTY!!!

I really was totally fooled and totally surprised! It was so exciting! All from work and their significant others were there... along with my good friends Silvia, Christi, Jeff, and Sarah. We had pizza, cheese, chips and salsa, and, of course, CARROT CAKE! Oh, and lots of champagne (man, do they know me well).

I received some amazing gifts as well -- I'm officially spoiled! Thank you so much everyone! (if you couldn't make it, check out my slideshow on the sidebar in the right).

I love my thirties!


blogorelli said...
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blogorelli said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! The "29.9" surprise party was so much fun -- with lots more to come this weekend (and throughout your thirties, with a great start like last night.)


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you got a surprise party. Your work people are awesome.

Javier said...

how cool that we got to throw your FIRST suprise party! and perhaps cooler to have photos of my apartment on your blog ;-)

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you.. happy birthday dear lily.... happy birthday to you...

can't wait to give you a hug tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!! Welcome to 30!

Ed Mahony said...

The great thing about the thirties is that you don't worry so much about silly things like you do in your 20's.