I didn't get into the lottery for the ING NYC Marathon (apparently the odds of getting a bib for that just randomly are pretty bad). But I was accepted with guaranteed entry to represent the Achilles Track Club as a fund-raiser (which is also pretty competitive to be awarded one of these spots). Despite the pressure of having to raise $3,000, I am thrilled to be raising it for this organization particularly. Not only is it a smaller organization where I know the money will be put to good use, but also my younger sister Tessa runs with them every week. Its an organization based out of New York but with chapters across the world that supports disabled athletes (everyone from children, to people with a prosthetic, to visually impaired, to wounded veterans). Not only does Tessa rave about her fulfilling experiences with them, but I also want to use this opportunity to try to coordinate a Boston chapter. Its such a shame that with such a big running community, the closest Achilles chapter is 75 miles away!
In the meantime, I'll continue to pose as the athlete I'm really not (I'm too slow and klutzy to ever consider myself a full athlete!)... and keep on chugging towards the NYC Half-Marathon on July 27, the Sprint Triathlon in Bristol, RI on August 17, and now... FINALLY... the NYC Marathon on November 2.
Help me raise the money towards my big goal by clicking the widget to the right or by visiting http://www.firstgiving.com/melissawehrman and thanks in advance for helping a great cause.
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