So my little sister Tessa turned 24 on Saturday (would have posted then but they didn't have wi-fi in the hot air balloon and she was getting drunk with mom and dad at the Country Concert that day anyhow... (yes, I'm serious)).
So just wanted to take a little minute to wish her a happy birthday and hope that her 24th will be her best year yet.
I have to confess, I was really pissed off at her when she was born. See, Sandy Hoying got to stand up in front of my Kindergarten class to announce the arrival of her new baby sister. But Tessa, the little brat, had to be born during the summer... so I never got the chance to stand in front of everyone and have my moment in the spotlight.
Over the next few years, I learned to take a back seat to her spotlight anyhow... see, she just HAPPENED to be the cutest damn kid ever. Seriously though... I think she is in the Guiness Book for that. Damn her again. But it was okay. I eventually got my revenge tormenting her by forcing her to eat cat food and star in my crappy homemade music videos to songs ranging from "Pretty Woman" to "I'm Too Sexy".
Then she grew up... and happened to become little miss popular. Seriously though, she has a knack for having deep friendships and meaningful bonds with everyone... no matter how old or young. She's just one of those people that everyone gravitates towards and adores the second they meet her. She also happens to be one of the funniest people I know so that doesn't hurt either.
Now that she's out of college and a bit more settled into her life, she still does such amazing things with it. She volunteers weekly with the Achilles Track Club (which has inspired me to get involved with them too), she has an amazing job at Nickelodeon that she's phenomenal at, she's living in one of the hardest cities to start out in (NYC), and despite her ups and downs with with her health, its never made her hesitate from training for and conquering marathons and triathlons. She never uses it as an excuse and it just drives her even more. If it wasn't for her running despite that it wasn't so easy at times, I would have never even thought I could do it too. I think of her so much when I go on my runs and now that we share this running habit, we've gotten so much closer because of it.
She's such an inspiration in all aspects to me... both in her strong friendships and giving nature to her determination in everything she sets her mind too.
I love you so much, Tessa... and, even though I've tormented you throughout the years, I really am so grateful that you are in my life and one of my two best friends.
As you would say when you were just a little kid: "Hugs, kisses, and pinches on the butt."